I want to make an admin-online list. I have the v:Nick()
part down but I want to place a new line after it.
Example: (At the top right corner, the names are INSIDE OF EACH OTHER.)
I'm not sure how to go about it, I'm not a VGUI kind of guy, but I believe I have found a solution. You could make a transparent panel with a DListView like this:
local DermaPanel = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
DermaPanel:SetPos( 50,50 )
DermaPanel:SetSize( 500, 700 )
DermaPanel:SetTitle( "Admins online" )
DermaPanel:SetVisible( false )
DermaPanel:SetDraggable( false )
DermaPanel:ShowCloseButton( false )
local DermaListView = vgui.Create("DListView")
DermaListView:SetPos(25, 50)
DermaListView:SetSize(450, 625)
DermaListView:AddColumn("Name") -- Add column
for k,v in pairs(ply:GetUserGroup() == "admin" or "superadmin" or "owner") do
DermaListView:AddLine(v:Nick(),v:GetUserGroup()) -- Add lines
Now all you have to do is a little ScrW() and ScrH() for re-sizing and you should be good to go! Also, I got this code from https://maurits.tv/data/garrysmod/wiki/wiki.garrysmod.com/indexe102.html so I could save time, I would really recommend checking it out if you have a chance!
Hope I could help, Birdboat