I want to start with PHPSpec, so I'm working with two simple classes. The first one is responsible for applying a percentage reduce or enlarge to number, and the second one is responsible for calculate a product price with use of percentage applyer (like a Mock).
namespace spec\My;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;
class PercentageToNumberApplyerSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function it_is_initializable()
function it_enlarges_a_number_with_a_given_percentage()
$this->enlarge(100, 20)->shouldReturn(120);
$this->enlarge(80, 25)->shouldReturn(100);
$this->enlarge(20, 50)->shouldReturn(30);
function it_reduces_a_number_with_a_given_percentage()
$this->reduce(100, 20)->shouldReturn(80);
$this->reduce(80, 10)->shouldReturn(72);
$this->reduce(250, 20)->shouldReturn(200);
namespace My;
class PercentageToNumberApplyer
* Enlarge given number with a given percentage
* @param $number
* @param $percentage
* @return float
public function enlarge($number, $percentage)
return $this->calculate($number, $percentage) + $number;
* Reduce given number with a given percentage
* @param $number
* @param $percentage
* @return mixed
public function reduce($number, $percentage)
return $number - $this->calculate($number, $percentage);
* @param $number
* @param $percentage
* @return float
private function calculate($number, $percentage)
return $number * $percentage / 100;
namespace spec\My;
use My\PercentageToNumberApplyer;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;
class PriceCalculatorSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function let(PercentageToNumberApplyer $percentageToNumberApplyer)
function it_calculates_price_discount($percentageToNumberApplyer)
$number = 100;
$discount = 20;
$percentageToNumberApplyer->reduce($number, $discount)->shouldBeCalled();
$this->applyDiscountTo($number, $discount)->shouldReturn(80);
The problem is that in the above example after running phpspec run the result is:
- it calculates price discount
expected [integer:80], but got null
namespace My;
class PriceCalculator
* @var PercentageToNumberApplyer
private $percentageToNumberApplyer;
* @param PercentageToNumberApplyer $percentageToNumberApplyer
public function __construct(PercentageToNumberApplyer $percentageToNumberApplyer)
$this->percentageToNumberApplyer = $percentageToNumberApplyer;
* @param $basePrice
* @param $discount
* @return mixed
public function applyDiscountTo($basePrice, $discount)
return $this->percentageToNumberApplyer->reduce($basePrice, $discount);
$priceCalculator = new \My\PriceCalculator(new \My\PercentageToNumberApplyer());
$price = $priceCalculator->applyDiscountTo(100, 20);
$price have a 80 value...
You don't need a mock in your case. Stub will do. Read more on test doubles in PHP Test doubles patterns with prophecy.
Instead of mocking a call:
$percentageToNumberApplyer->reduce($number, $discount)->shouldBeCalled();
Stub it:
$percentageToNumberApplyer->reduce($number, $discount)->willReturn(80);
Next, you only need to expect that what's calculated is actually returned:
$percentageToNumberApplyer->reduce($number, $discount)->willReturn(80);
$this->applyDiscountTo($number, $discount)->shouldReturn(80);
This is because you shouldn't care if a call was made. You're only interested in the result.
As a rule of thumb, you'll usually:
Most of the time it's better to have a separation between the two (Command/Query Separation), and we won't need to mock and stub in the same time.