I've defined DragZone as:
var menuItems = panel.query('.menuitem');
Ext.each(menuItems, function (component) {
component.DragZone = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DragZone', component.getEl(), {
getDragData: function (e) {
var compEl = component.getEl(),
cloneEl = compEl.dom.cloneNode(true);
cloneEl.id = Ext.id();
return {
ddel: cloneEl,
repairXY: Ext.fly(e.getTarget()).getXY(),
componentClone: component.cloneConfig()
getRepairXY: function () {
return this.dragData.repairXY;
ddGroup: 'auGroup'
Where menus are menuitems from panel:
xtype: 'panel',
title: 'Geometry Controls',
items: [
xtype: 'menu',
floating: false,
itemId: 'geometryControlsMenu',
defaults: {
height: 20
items: [
xtype: 'menuitem',
itemId: 'angles',
text: 'Angles',
iconCls: 'icon-apgo'
xtype: 'menuitem',
itemId: 'coordinatePlane',
text: 'Coordinate Plane',
iconCls: 'icon-apgo'
Dragging is working but I have problems with displaying dragging items, it look like it has been croped:
But if I'll change dragsource from menuitem to menu itself:
var menuItems = panel.query('.menu');
displaying works ok:
How could I fix this?
component.DragZone.resizeFrame= true;