For reference, this is the regex tester I am using:
How can I modify this regular expression:
to receive multiple sub-matches for the following test string:
;first;second;third;fourth;fifth and sixth;seventh;
I currently only receive one sub-match:
Basically I want each sub-match to consist of the content between ;
characters, I am hoping for a sub-match list like this:
fifth and sixth
Following information given in the comments I discovered that the reason I can't get more than one sub-match is that I need to specify the global modifier - and I can't seem to figure out how to do that in the ryslog regex tester I am using.
However, this did lead me to solve my problem in a slightly different manner. I came up with this regular expression which still only gives one match, but the number near the end acts as the index for the desired match, so for example:
matches this from my test string in the question:
fifth and sixth
While this solution allows me to achieve what I wanted - though in a different manner - the true answer to my question is found in HamZa's comments. More specifically:
How can I modify the regular expression to receive multiple sub-matches?
The answer is, you can't modify the regular expression itself in order to get multiple sub-matches. Setting the global modifier is required in order to do that.
Based on this information I have posted a new question on serverfault targeted specifically to the rsyslog regular expression system.