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Oracle relational model subview by relations

I've a pretty big oracle db, 50+ tables, load of relations. The relational model I generated looks (you can imagine..) really scary.

So I'm wondering:

Is it possible to generate a subview like e.g.
"I have this table A and I want the subview to include only tables that have FK's pointing at A"

I am running Oracle SQL Developer, but for the sakes of good, I am willing to install another environment.


  • Most definitely. Select your 'root' table. Right-click, hit 'select neighbors' Tell it how many levels to go.

    With those items selected, right click again, and hit 'create subview from selected.'

    There's your subview.

    Subviews are great for making large models more manageable for readability, reporting, and searching.

    I talk a bit about subviews here.