Last evening I started a full reindex for our Cassandra cluster via the Solr admin web console (I selected "Full Reindex"). Each node in the cluster also runs Solr.
As of about 2 hours ago it appears as though it completed since the web console for each node has "no" besides the indexing line, however I wanted to go through the logs and verify that it completed successfully for each node because the web console for each node has the red circle with a line through it next to "current".
In the past I've seen this and then later had it change to the green checkmark, but I figure if I know what to look for in the logs then that would be a much more convenient and reliable method of determining whether the reindex did in fact complete successfully.
You can use: curl -v "
There should be an "indexing" tag in the returned xml
You're on the right track. The web admin console is probably the easiest place for you to check if your indexing is complete. Once your indexing is complete and you're not doing any writes to the table, indexing will say no and current will have a check mark rather than a crossed red circle. Current represents whether there are any known changes to the index that have not been soft-committed (remember the autocommit threshold set in solrconfig.xml). So it is possible that your full-reindex is completed but that you are still indexing new data as it is coming in. DSE Search, is --in essence-- always indexing based on C* writes.
Another way you can do a quick sanity check is by doing a wide open *:* query in the query panel for your core and looking at numFound. You would have to have a ballpark idea of how many records you have in your table.
This is a bit involved but here's a summary of what you'll see in the system.out log when you perform a full re-index. If you want to check your logs for confirmation you can. In this case DSP1375Test.index is the name of my core:
Reload files (schema / config):
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:28,725 (line 382) Reloading core: DSP1375Test.index
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:28,727 (line 532) Trying to load resource solrconfig.xml for core DSP1375Test.index by querying from local node with CL QUORUM
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:28,734 (line 542) Successfully loaded resource solrconfig.xml for core DSP1375Test.index by querying from local node.
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:28,946 (line 532) Trying to load resource schema.xml.bak for core DSP1375Test.index by querying from local node with CL QUORUM
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:28,951 (line 542) Successfully loaded resource schema.xml.bak for core DSP1375Test.index by querying from local node.
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,003 (line 532) Trying to load resource schema.xml for core DSP1375Test.index by querying from local node with CL QUORUM
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,009 (line 542) Successfully loaded resource schema.xml for core DSP1375Test.index by querying from local node.
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,468 (line 472) replacing core: DSP1375Test.index
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,469 (line 532) Trying to load resource for core DSP1375Test.index by querying from local node with CL QUORUM
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,474 (line 548) No resource found for core DSP1375Test.index by querying from local node.
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,474 (line 558) Trying to load resource for core DSP1375Test.index by looking for legacy resources...
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,474 (line 580) No resource found for core DSP1375Test.index on any live node.
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,474 (line 79) Using default DSE search properties for Solr core DSP1375Test.index
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,474 (line 104) Refreshed DSE search properties for: DSP1375Test.index
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,477 (line 532) Trying to load resource solrconfig.xml for core DSP1375Test.index by querying from local node with CL QUORUM
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,483 (line 542) Successfully loaded resource solrconfig.xml for core DSP1375Test.index by querying from local node.
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,495 (line 666) Wrote resource 'solrconfig.xml.bak' for core 'DSP1375Test.index'
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,495 (line 532) Trying to load resource schema.xml for core DSP1375Test.index by querying from local node with CL QUORUM
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,498 (line 542) Successfully loaded resource schema.xml for core DSP1375Test.index by querying from local node.
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,503 (line 666) Wrote resource 'schema.xml.bak' for core 'DSP1375Test.index'
Start Re-index:
INFO [SolrSecondaryIndex DSP1375Test.index index reloader.] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,508 (line 1390) Reindexing on keyspace DSP1375Test and column family index
INFO [SolrSecondaryIndex DSP1375Test.index index reloader.] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,508 (line 1390) Reindexing on keyspace DSP1375Test and column family index
INFO [SolrSecondaryIndex DSP1375Test.index index reloader.] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,523 (line 190) Submitting index build of DSP1375Test.index for data in
INFO [SolrSecondaryIndex DSP1375Test.index index reloader.] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,528 (line 1006) Executing hard commit on index DSP1375Test.index
Build Index Complete:
INFO [SolrSecondaryIndex DSP1375Test.index index reloader.] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,530 (line 208) Index build of DSP1375Test.index complete
INFO [http-8983-exec-3] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,765 (line 672) [admin] webapp=null path=/admin/cores params={slave=true&deleteAll=true&name=DSP1375Test.index&distributed=false&action=RELOAD&reindex=true&core=DSP1375Test.index&wt=javabin&version=2} status=0 QTime=0
INFO [http-8983-exec-2] 2015-03-18 08:59:29,782 (line 672) [admin] webapp=null path=/admin/cores params={deleteAll=true&action=RELOAD&reindex=true&_=1426683568718&core=DSP1375Test.index&wt=json} status=0 QTime=1058