I have two overlays in my openstreetmap app, Itemized overlay and Path overlay together. I want to provide click inside the path inside the path overlay and custom marker
Finally I got answer for the Above question...
Add all path overlays into a single layer.
In on single tap check isPointOnLine(lox,loy,ltx,lty, x, y)
public boolean isPointOnLine(double lox, double loy, double ltx,
double lty, double x, double y) {
// determine if point is on line
Double dx = x - lox;
Double dy = y - loy;
Double tx = ltx - lox;
Double ty = lty - loy;
// normalise the line vector
Double t1 = new Double(1 / Math.sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty));
tx *= t1;
ty *= t1;
// calculate inverse length of secondary vector
Double dl = new Double(1 / Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));
// take dot product of normalised line vector, and rotated normalised
// secondary vector
Double dot = (dy * tx - dx * ty) * dl;
// Increase these values for less or more picky
if (dot < -0.2 || dot > 0.2)
return false;
// calculate distance along line segment by taking dot product of
// normalised
// line vector and un-normalised secondary vector
Double dis = tx * dx + ty * dy;
if (dis < 0 || dis > 1 / t1)
return false;
return true;