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DynamicCompressionModule issue with IIS 8.5

I am facing issue with DynamicCompressionModule and StaticCompressionModule on my Windows server 2012 R2. DynamicCompressionModule and StaticCompressionModule are installed. When i open my website it shows below error-

Module : DynamicCompressionModule
Notification : SendResponse
Handler : ExtensionlessUrlHandler-ISAPI-4.0_32bit
Error Code : 0x800700c1

It gives error even i have

<urlCompression doDynamicCompression="false" doStaticCompression="false" />

Enable 32 bit is set to true in application pool.

If i add below tag in web.config, website starts working but i want to enable compression for my website-

      <remove name="StaticCompressionModule" />
      <remove name="DynamicCompressionModule" />

In Server Roles, it shows both StaticCompressionModule and DynamicCompressionModule disabled so i am not able to uncheck both to reinstall.

Can anybody provide solution for this?


  • Reinstalling "Performance" option worked. Just I over looked option "Remove Roles and Features" to uninstall option.
