I've developed an app for iOS with Swift
and now I'd like to add an ADBannerView
in my tableviewcontroller
just to show some iAd banners
This is what I did :
In the ViewDidLoad
of my tableviewcontroller
I have added the following code :
self.canDisplayBannerAds = true
Quite easy! Perhaps too easy, because everything seemed to work fine, the view displayed the ad correctly but... performance was really bad!! My tableview scrolls smooth if I don't show the ad and keeps lagging while the ad is displayed... how come? What have I missed?
Thanks a lot
thanks for your help, I was totally wrong, iAd wasn't the cause of slowness of my app.
I've found the problem (I was setting the font of a textbox inside the cellforrowatindexpath method).
I've upvoted your comments because they were the correct way to find the issue.
thanks again All the best