I know how to programmaticaly add text in mergeField in Micorsoft Word, using this : https://vivekcek.wordpress.com/2012/08/25/create-a-word-document-from-a-template-using-c-mail-merge/
But, what I want is to add an image. Is it possible ? If not, how can I insert an image to a pre-defined position (in a Word template) ?
One solution is to use bookmarks : please refer to https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/f4f6ecdd-ede9-4f14-83c9-bcad018a444b/insert-image-at-bookmark-position-in-word-document-progamatically-c?forum=csharpgeneral
And, if the image doesn't show on Microsoft Word, here is a solution : http://wordfaqs.mvps.org/InvisibleGraphics.htm
Hope this helps !