I used php shell_exec to run BLAST command (biologcal sequence alignment tool) and outputs the result in browser. However, I am not able to format the result same like it displayed when I run the same command in terminal . I tried using methods like passthru() and exec(). Both of it doesnt work! In my case, output formatting is important as a small space can make the error (a portion is give below). Can anyone tell me how to display the result in browser as exactly which in command terminal.
$cmd = "$blast -query /var/www/html/kim/blast/testing.txt -db /var/www/html/kim/blast/$db";
$result =shell_exec($cmd);
print_r ($result);
Part of my output looks like,
Query 707 TCAGACTTGAA 766
Sbjct 3632 TCAGACTTGAA 3691
In order to keep formatting identical, including spaces etc., you should use the <pre>
html element. An example:
echo '<pre>';
echo $result;
echo '</pre>';
Just echo the raw result. Using print_r
or var_dump
would lead to formatting by PHP. The above example is the most raw formatting you can achieve, given you leave result untouched.
With CSS you can then style the <pre>
. But make sure to use a MONOSPACE font so that shell formatting is kept.