I'm trying to create some layouts dynamically and then inflate them. Currently I have some layouts and I'm inflating them by using my own adapter class.
However now I need to create some cards based on data that is generated. I tried using the card
class for this like this for example
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
Card card = new Card(this);
card.setText("Test " + i);
I can't get this designed how I would want it tho. So is there a way for me to use the xml setup to do this since I have more design options this way?
at the risk of getting downvoted again I'll post my solution
for now this is just a test to see if it would function the way I want to. Later on I will have the cards generated from an actual list with data inside of it.
First I created a xml layout with a textview inside it
after that I created a adapter that will inflate the layout and set the textview for each item in the list
public class xmlAdapter extends CardScrollAdapter {
private List<Integer> mCards;
private LayoutInflater mInflater;
public xmlAdapter(List<Integer> mCards, LayoutInflater inflater)
this.mCards = mCards;
this.mInflater = inflater;
public int getCount() {
return mCards.size();
public Object getItem(int i) {
return mCards.get(i);
public View getView(int i, View view, ViewGroup viewGroup) {
View mView = view;
view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.xml_test, viewGroup, false);
TextView text = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.test_content);
text.setText("Test " + mCards.get(i));
return view;
public int getPosition(Object o) {
return this.mCards.indexOf(o);
and in my activity class I've done the following.
in the onCreate()
mCardScroller = new CardScrollView(this);
mCardScroller.setAdapter(new xmlAdapter(numberCards, getLayoutInflater()));
take in mind that this is just a for loop to put some data in the list that is being send to the adapter.
public void CreateCards() {
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {