I keep having this warning WARN: No SCM provider installed when publishing grails a plugin, I actually want to make sure I have committed before publishing, How do I install an SCM Provider ?
I have searched on-line including this question but not helpful information,
How do I use my Stash GIT SCM provider or any other GIT repository in publishing for my grails plugin
This is ignorable.
The original plugin publishing process used a Subversion repo and by default would create a project for your plugin source in addition to storing the binary in a tag associated with the version number. This was at CodeHaus; they're shutting down soon but for now you can see the old Acegi plugin source and binaries here.
You could skip that (with the --no-scm
flag) and store the code wherever you wanted, and once GitHub became popular most plugins used it or other source repos, so the release plugin was changed to only publish the plugin binary and the pom file.
Some of the related release plugin code was removed but not all, and this message is one of the bits that should be removed. At a minimum it shouldn't be a warning message.