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Add function to individual XmlListModel items

I am new to QML and Qt Quick and was wondering how I can add functions to each individual item in an XmlListModel.

XmlListModel {
  id: books
  source: "Books.xml"
  query: "/books"
  XmlRole { name: "price"; query: "@price/string()" }

Say the price is in cents and I want to multiply each price by a factor 100. In another programming language I would add a getPrice() function on the Book class but I don't have access to the individual elements here. I could add it to the XmlListModel with an index parameter but I feel it belongs to the individual book item, no?


  • In the code above you just defined model and roles to fetch data, not real data. But you can access data itself and data items particularly in delegate, for example:

    ListView {
        id: listView
        anchors.fill: parent
        function getPrice(value) {
            return value * 100;
        model: books
        delegate: Row {
            height: 30
            width: parent.width
            Text { text: listView.getPrice(price) }