I'm learning Django by building simple contact manager,
I use Django 1.7.3 with Python 2.7.
I'm confused about how to render the template with the given context.
context = {
'name': 'John Doe',
'age': 24,
'email_ids' : [
'use': 'personal',
'email': 'johndoe@example.com'
'use': 'work',
'email': 'manager@example.com'
'use': 'spam',
'email': 'iwantyournewsletter@example.com'
'phones': [
'use': 'personal',
'number': '+1234567890'
'use': 'work',
'number': '+1234567891'
My template block is,
{% block address_slot %}
Name : {{ name }}
Age : {{ age }}
Email Address:
{{ use }} : {{ email }}
Phone Number:
{{ use}} : {{ number }}
{% endblock %}
I'm not sure how to insert the dict (email details and the number details) inside the list (email_ids
and phones
) in the context, While I got the name and age inserted.
In python I use
for email in context['email_ids']:
To print the emails while what is the equivalent in Django templates?
How can I insert the email address in the related field?
Use the {% for %}
template tag and dot notation to look up keys in each dictionary, EG:
{% for email_id in email_ids %}
Email Address:
{{ email_id.use }} : {{ email_id.email }}
{% endfor %}