I have TransparentUIView on top of RedOrGreenUIView. TransparentUIView has a UILongPressGestureRecognizer attached to it. Once user begins a long touch on it, I check for .Changed status of this LongPressGesture, and execute below hitTest:
var p:CGPoint = rec.locationInView(self.view)
var selectedView = view.hitTest(p, withEvent: nil)
if selectedView != nil {
if selectedView == TransparentUIView {
println("TransparentUIView is being touched")
I get TransparentView as selectedView fine. However I need to be able to conduct a hitTest on RedOrGreenUIView at the same time, which is underneath TransparentUIView. I cant get my head around to accomplishing this. Please help.
If one UIView gets touches, others underneath don't get any.
So either you can have a central class that passes touches to both your UIView objects, or the first UIView, the one that is on top, passes its UITouch object to the UIView underneath and conducts the hitTest.