Search code examples

Getting values from an HTMLCollection to a string

I am attempting to grab the selected values of a multi-select dropdown and convert them into a single string for later manipulation. At the moment I have the following code:

    function newComic()
				var elem = document.querySelector("#genreList").selectedOptions;
				var arr = [];
				var genres = arr.join(', ');
 <select id="genreList" multiple="multiple" name="addGenre[]"  style="width: 150px;font-size: 10pt;">
					<option value="Action">Action</option>
					<option value="Comedy">Comedy</option>
					<option value="Fantasy">Fantasy</option>
					<option value="Horror">Horror</option>
					<option value="Mystery">Mystery</option>
					<option value="Non-Fiction">Non-Fiction</option>
					<option value="Period">Period</option>
					<option value="Romance">Romance</option>
					<option value="Sci-Fi">Sci-Fi</option>
					<option value="Thriller">Thriller</option>
                <p><input type="button" onclick="newComic()" value="Add Comic" id="btnAddComic" style="font-size: 10pt; width: 150px; height:40px;"></p>

The alert window is currently outputting the following:

[object HTMLOptionElement, object HTMLOptionElement, ...]

where '...' represents any further hypothetical options.

What I need is for 'genres' to output as, for example, 'Action, Romance, Thriller' instead.

Thanks in advance for any help.


  • When you join the array, it is calling the "toString" of each element. In this case, they are DOM elements and return their type. You can use map first to create a new array of strings containing the value of each option:

    var genres ={
        return el.value;
    }).join(', ');