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Grails GORM how to load existing remote DB tables in my application

I need to use some tables from a MySQL database which is not mine. I can connect to the database remotely (with known host, db name, user, password). I know the structure of the database but I don't want to create new tables, modify a structure of existing tables etc.

The only thing I want to do is to load records (rows) from this DB in my application and modify its column values or add a new row...

Can you give me some advice please? How to set it in my grails 2.4.3 application?


  • You can create a new Groovy sql instance like below

    import groovy.sql.Sql
    final Sql sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/<db-name>",
    sql.eachRow( 'select * from tableName' ) { println "$ -- ${it.firstName} --" }

    Detailed info can be seen here:

    You could add mysql/oracle details instead of postgres.