I want to make my error messages red, which are made using Swing:
"Welcome\nTo\nJava\nProgramming!", "subject", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
But this code will show a dialog box with black message, what's the way to make it red?
public void showColoredMessageDialog(String message, Color color){
//The label to show your message
JLabel l = new JLabel(message);
//the color for your message
//show JOptionPane.showMessageDialog with your custom color message
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, l);
//You can call this method like for ex:
String msg = "hello world!";
//display this message with red color
showColoredMessageDialog(msg, Color.red);
//or you can also pass messages with variable values
int count = 10;
String msg2 = "the value of count is : " + count;
//display this message but this time with green color
showColoredMessageDialog(msg2, Color.green);