I am very new to MVC and coding. I have a table that I created in using MVC, but I am wanting to hook up JavaScript to enable inline editing and post back to the database. I think I have been watching too many tutorials, that I am now confused on how to even execute this. Is there anyone out there who could give me a launch in the right direction as to how to begin connecting JavaScript so that I can accomplish inline editing.
Here is how I resolved my question. This is for anyone who is wanting to know how to do inline editing of a table that you created using html.
Here is my code for the function I created once you clicked on Edit:
function editThis(element) {
var customerID = $(element).closest('tr').find('.customer-stored- id').attr('data-value');
GetByID("Home/Edit", customerID, replaceCustomerRow, element);
This function replaces the row
function replaceCustomerRow(result, element) {
This function will get the ID
function GetByID(url, id, callback, param1) {
url: "../../" + url + "/" + id,
type: "GET",
success: function (result) {
if (callback != null && callback != undefined) {
callback(result, param1);
error: function (result) {
if (result.responseText != '') {
else {
alert("An error occurred while processing results. Please consult an administrator.");
Then you would just write your code for the controller. Simple enough, but it works.