I am learning symfony framework and I am wondering : if I need something like an helper (for example) is it better to make a service (to do a dependancy injection into my controller) or is it better to create a static function. What are the pros and cons of each method.
Thank you in advance :)
This is a very significant question regarding the best way to add reusable libraries that does very specific processes.
The Symfony way is make it a service and register it in the service container.
namespace Acme\MainBundle\Services;
class MobileHelper
public function formatMobile($number)
$ddd = substr($number, 0, 2);
$prefix_end_index = strlen($number) == 11 ? 5 : 4;
$prefix = substr($number, 2, $prefix_end_index);
$suffix = substr($number, -4, 4);
return sprintf('(%s) %s-%s', $ddd, $prefix, $suffix);
public function unformatMobile($number)
$number = preg_replace('/[()-\s]/', '', $number);
return $number;
Then on services.yml
class: Acme\MainBundle\Services\MobileHelper
Then you can use it in your controller like:
$mobileHelper = $this->get('mobile.helper');
$formattedMobile = $mobileHelper->formatMobile('11999762020');