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VCR::Errors::UnhandledHTTPRequestError in a controller test using VCR

I'm trying to mock a api call in which I upload a file, I'm using Wistia Upload API and because I don't want to hit the server with every test, I'm trying VCR for the first time.

I have the following test in my spec/controllers folder:

let(:file) {"video_path", 'video/mp4') }

describe "GET #index" do
  it "assigns all videos as @videos" do
    VCR.use_cassette "wistia/upload" do 
      video = Video.create! valid_attributes

      get :index, {}
      expect(assigns(:videos)).to eq([video])


The API call is triggered inside a model callback that looks like this:

class Video < ActiveRecord::Base
  after_save :move_video
  def move_video
    uri = URI('')

    http =, uri.port)
    http.use_ssl = true

    # Construct the request.
    request = uri.request_uri, {
    'api_password' => '',
    'project_id'   => ''
    'file' => my_video_file
    # Make it so!
    response = http.request(request)
    return response

I've debugged the call to this method, and it's being called properly, but when I run my test I'm getting the following error:

1) VideosController GET #index assigns all videos as @videos
     Failure/Error: video = Video.create! valid_attributes

       An HTTP request has been made that VCR does not know how to handle:

       VCR is currently using the following cassette:
         - /Users/urielhernandez/Documents/pf/spec/vcr/wistia/upload.yml
         - :record => :once
         - :match_requests_on => [:method, :uri]

       Under the current configuration VCR can not find a suitable HTTP interaction
       to replay and is prevented from recording new requests. There are a few ways
       you can deal with this:

         * If you're surprised VCR is raising this error
           and want insight about how VCR attempted to handle the request,
           you can use the debug_logger configuration option to log more details [1].
         * You can use the :new_episodes record mode to allow VCR to
           record this new request to the existing cassette [2].
         * If you want VCR to ignore this request (and others like it), you can
           set an `ignore_request` callback [3].
         * The current record mode (:once) does not allow new requests to be recorded
           to a previously recorded cassette. You can delete the cassette file and re-run
           your tests to allow the cassette to be recorded with this request [4].
         * The cassette contains an HTTP interaction that matches this request,
           but it has already been played back. If you wish to allow a single HTTP
           interaction to be played back multiple times, set the `:allow_playback_repeats`
           cassette option [5].


The cassette was created but I was receiving the mentioned error. After I deleted the cassette to see if it was being generated, it was no re generated, and VCR is not handling the request.


  • The cassette is being created at /Users/urielhernandez/Documents/pf/spec/vcr/wistia/upload.yml as described in the error message.

    Try VCR.use_cassette("wistia/upload", :record => :new_episodes) do ; that will record this as a new request in the same cassette.

    See more about vcr record modes at