All, As a newbie to Roku developer world, I have a bunch of queries re: Roku API.
The overall goal I am trying to achieve (by using these APIs) is as follows,
I have been trying to go through their API docs & I am not able to see any consistent way of doing things. This is the doc I am referring to
So I am wondering if their is a new/updated exhaustive version of their API.
Additionally if you can help me with following questions as well,
I was able to get some answers from the Roku folks. Hope this helps someone else.
The link referred to earlier, is the current documentation on web services APIs & push notifications.
"Issue Credit" gives the users some credit to be used towards another roku product. "Issue Refund" gives users actual money.
"Sale" is for when user has bought some product & we as app-developer get money. "Credit" & "Refund" should be obvious from the previous point.
There is no Java based client SDK by Roku.