I have a logparser one liner which outputs in a SQL Server database.
I had a conversion problem between logparser timestamp and SQL Server date(7)
types. I resolved this issue by specifying the driver
-driver "sql server native client 10.0"
Here is the whole oneliner :
LogParser "select to_date(to_timestamp('2015-03-13','yyyy-MM-dd')) AS REQ_DATE_DT, count(*) as REQ_REQUESTS_NU, 5 INTO MyTable from \\myServer\MyIISlog.log where time >= '12:00:00' and time <='14:59:59' " -i:IISW3C -o:SQL -createTable:OFF -server:MyServer\MyInstance -database:MyDB -username:myUser -password:MyPass -driver "sql server native client 10.0"
This command works well on my dev machine (windows 7 x64, SQL Server Management Studio installed). Now I want to run it from a script server (windows 2012r2 without ssms)
If I run the same command I have the following error :
Task aborted.
Error connecting to ODBC Server
SQL State: IM002
Native Error: 0
Error Message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
If I change "SQL Server native client 10.0" to "SQL Server", I have the same error.
If I omit the -driver sql server part I have the usual convert error message
SQL table column "REQ_DATE_DT" data type is not compatible with SELECT clause item "REQ_DATE_DT" (type TIMESTAMP)
So the db server is reachable and can be queried with the credentials I gave.
I installed the odbc drivers from microsoft msi and they appear in both ODBC Data Source Administrator x32 and x64.
I tried the odbc server 10 (SQL Server 2008 R2) and 11 (SQL Server 2012)
What am I missing?
EDIT 1 :
I tested installing several sql features with no success
I'll try on other servers but I think it's a problem involving either only x64 sql native client or windows 2012r2 x64...
I managed to tackle around the problem using the -oConnString
LogParser option instead of -driver -server -database ...
LogParser "select to_date(to_timestamp('2015-03-13','yyyy-MM-dd')) AS REQ_DATE_DT, count(*) as REQ_REQUESTS_NU, 5 INTO MyTable from \\myServer\MyIISlog.log where time >= '12:00:00' and time <='14:59:59' " -i:IISW3C -o:SQL -createTable:OFF -oConnString:"Driver={SQL server native client 10.0};server=MyServer;database=MyDB;uid=MyUser;pwd=MyUser;"
Due to this workaround, I think the original problem is a matter of ODBC x86 and x64.
Here are some questions that helped me :