I made a simple location service using Fused location, i test with a real device and with Genymotion's android virtual device.
The iterval for getting the locations are 5 seconds.
On a real device it is works nicely, the interval is almost exactly 5 seconds, check log: (onLC is for OnLocationChanged)
03-17 11:59:27.115: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(27147): onLC:Now!
03-17 11:59:32.189: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(27147): onLC:Now!
03-17 11:59:37.259: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(27147): onLC:Now!
03-17 11:59:42.171: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(27147): onLC:Now!
03-17 11:59:47.215: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(27147): onLC:Now!
03-17 11:59:52.240: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(27147): onLC:Now!
On Genymotions virtual device the interval is like 1 second:
03-17 12:10:20.280: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(2616): onLC:Now!
03-17 12:10:21.270: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(2616): onLC:Now!
03-17 12:10:22.269: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(2616): onLC:Now!
03-17 12:10:23.271: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(2616): onLC:Now!
03-17 12:10:24.273: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(2616): onLC:Now!
03-17 12:10:25.273: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(2616): onLC:Now!
03-17 12:10:26.275: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(2616): onLC:Now!
03-17 12:10:27.273: I/Locationing_GpsService_Test(2616): onLC:Now!
Code for initalizing location requests:
mLocationRequest = new LocationRequest();
Can anybody help me whats happening here?
Simply adding mLocationRequest.setFastestInterval(5000);
did the trick, now Genymotion's Virtual Device also requesting location updates in a 5 seconds interval.