I am trying to create a form where the ID will give the maximum number based on the initials. Below is a sample of the records in the table:
Employee ID | Employee Name | Designation
CL-100 | Akram waziullah | Cleaner
GU-100 | Shopno Lal | Guard
LG-100 | Karim Lalon | L&G Serviceman
GU-101 | Lal Miah | Guard
I want to create a form where the system can automatically generate an ID based on the initials. For example if i select guard as the designation, the ID will be GU-102 and if i select cleaner, it will be CL-101 and if i select Electrician, it will be EL-100 (Since no records previously exists of electricians). I am able to generate the first two letters of Designation but i do not know how i can extract the maximum value based on the initials. Need help...
In the relevant control in the form you can use the below code.
DMAX("CLng(Right([Employee ID],(LEN([Employee ID])-3))","[tblEmployees]","[Designation]='" & Me.Designation & "'")+1
Alternatively you can add it to the before Update event of the Form
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
me.EmployeeID = DMAX("CLng(Right([Employee ID],(LEN([Employee ID])-3))","[tblEmployees]","[Designation]='" & Me.Designation & "'")+1
End Sub