I'm relatively new to PowerShell. I started learning language few weeks ago. I'm struggling with tooling a little bit. I'm responsible for pretty big legacy project written in PowerShell which I need to support. Since there were no coding conventions required before, code doesn't look very nice :-) and it makes it pretty hard to understand.
Since I originally come from Java world, one thing I'm used to, is IDE support for automatic code formatting. However, ISE nor Visual Studio 2013 (community edition) does not seem to support this feature.
Can you please advise how can I reformat my PowerShell code automatically? Thank you.
I expect you are using a third party product to write your Java code? There is a third party product that can reformat PowerShell automatically: http://www.sapien.com/blog/2014/06/10/powershell-studio-2014-code-formatting/