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Crontab, scheduled jobs, on holidays

I wrote a shell script for monitoring a Rest API, when it is down the shell script send two mails one for the developer and the other for the manager. The problem is that I need to this with this frequency:

  • Runs every 15 min during office hours (9-18 hours) during working days and send mail to manager and developer

  • Every hour 6-9 pm and from 18 to 24h on working days runs and sends mail to manager.

  • Runs every 3 hours from 00:00 to 6:00 every night and the holidays and send mail to manager

¿How can I discard between holidays and work days?


  • You'll need several entries:

    1. Every 15 min during office hours

      */15 09-18 * * *

    2. Send email only to manager, add an if inside the script that will check for the hour and send only to the manager

      00 06-09,18-23 * * *

    3. Send every three hours

      00 00,03,06 * * *

    For not running on holidays, cron will not be able to help, you will need to get from a different source a file which lists all the holidays and then add an if inside your script.

    if [ grep -q `date +%F` /random_location/holidays.txt]; then    
       exit 0   
    # Continue your script from here