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How do I check if a var is a Tuple in Swift?

Reading the Type Casting section of the Swift Guide I see I use the is keyword to type check variables.

func isString(test: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
    return test is String

It seems when I try something similar to check for a Tuple containing three NSNumber objects, I receive a 'Tuple does not conform to protocol AnyObject'. Is there any way to check if a variable contains a Tuple?

func isTuple(test: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
    return test is (NSNumber, NSNumber, NSNumber) // error


  • You can't use AnyObject here because a tuple is not an instance of a class type.

    • AnyObject can represent an instance of any class type.
    • Any can represent an instance of any type at all, including function types.

    From The Swift Programming Guide - Type Casting

    Instead, try using the more general Any type:

    func isTuple(test: Any?) -> Bool {
        return test is (NSNumber, NSNumber, NSNumber)
    isTuple("test") // false
    let tuple: (NSNumber, NSNumber, NSNumber) = (Int(), Int(), Int())
    isTuple(tuple) // true