I'm trying to run a cross-validation for a generalized additive model (GAM) using the 'caret' package in R. I can get this to work for a GLM, and think it should be simple to run the same thing for a GAM, but cannot get it to work, see below:
dat <- data.frame(label=round(rpois(100,20)),v1=rnorm(100),v2=rnorm(100))
tc <- trainControl("cv",10,savePred=T)
(fit <- train(label~.,data=dat,method="glm",trControl=tc,family=poisson(link = "log")))
(fit1 <- train(label~.,data=dat,method="gam",trControl=tc,family=poisson(link = "log")))
The crucial warning that is thrown when running the last line is this:
20: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
model fit failed for Fold10: select=FALSE, method=GCV.Cp Error in mgcv:::gam(modForm, data = dat, family = dist, select = param$select, :
formal argument "family" matched by multiple actual arguments
It appears that somehow the family argument is not being passed to gam() in the same way that it is in glm(). I haven't found any working examples of this after searching the web exhaustively. Any help would be appreciated!
Upon further review, it appears that Poisson outcomes are explicitly not supported using any of the GAM-based model types in caret. I flagged this as an issue (in documentation at least, if not in explicit support of these types of models) in the caret codebase on Github.