I'm trying to lay out a view in WatchKit with an image and a label side by side.
I create a Group with a Horizontal orientation, and add the Image with left justification and a label with right justification.
I actually get two different problems here:
(1) My image is square, but the edge of the image that is against the edge of the group gets rounded off. So I have two rounded corners and two square corners, which looks bad. I'd prefer to get 4 rounded corners -- but mainly I just need it to be consistent.
(2) My label text is long and needs to be wrapped. In the Interface Builder I set lines to 2, and in IB it wraps properly. But when I run it, the view in the simulator doesn't wrap, and instead is truncated.
Do you have a corner radius set on the containing group? If so it will clip the corners of the image.