I have a Users table and a Companies table
Users table has a column 'company_id' which references Companies.id and Companies has a column 'assignation' which references Users.id
Obviously, no matter what table I attempt to create first, I get an error saying that it cannot create the reference Constraint because the other table does not exists.
I can do this manually, but I was looking for a way to use a standard Laravel migration.
Is there a workaround for this?
here is my code:
Schema::create('companies', function($table) {
Schema::create('users', function($table) {
You can simply add the foreign key constraint after both tables have already been created:
Schema::create('companies', function($table) {
Schema::create('users', function($table) {
Schema::table('companies', function($table)
You can do this in a separate migration, or as a separate code block in the users
table migration.