There is no way to transfer an UIImage from iPhone to WKInterfaceImage in the WatchKit app, correct?
There are limitations that will not allow that, correct?
Then I tried saving it in the documents folder on the device. But those are 2 seperate folders on each device, correct? The iPhone has a documents folder. And the one on the Watch device is a separate one. So when I query the file path, it gives me something like Device/pluginKit/filename.png on the Watch.
In short there is no way to achieve the above title, right?
If you want to share disk space/files between your host iOS app and your WatchKit extension, you'll need to use App Groups. Check out the documentation here: ("Sharing Data with Your Containing iOS App")
WKInterfaceImage, however, has a couple methods for using an image from the phone. I've put together a quick explanation here: