I need to access to very old wikipedia dumps (backups of Wikipedia) in french. I succeed in finding a 2010 backup from archive.org, and now i'm searching for 2006 or even before. I know that in the latest dumps there is all the data from previous ones, but I need to set up in my computer a version of Wikipedia as it was in for example 2006,2010,2012. A thing that is - I guess - impossible to do with the latest dumps.
Thank you very mutch for your help.
There appear to be static HTML dumps from November 2006, available here: http://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/static_html_dumps/
Also, if you get the full dump (with edit history), you could filter it to remove all revisions later than a certain date -- then you should be able to view it as of that date (aside from material later deleted, and so not in the dump).