I'm trying to setup restangular for a SPA project but I'm unable to resolve it as a dependency with grunt-tsng. I've installed it using bower (and tsd for typescript definitions from definitelyTyped).
tsng: {
options: {
extension: ".ng.ts"
dev: {
files: [
// TODO: Automate the generation of this config based on convention
src: ["Client/app/**/*.ts", "!**/*.ng.ts"],
dest: "Client/app"
/// <reference path="../../typings/tsd.d.ts" />
module App {
var dependencies = [
function configuration(
$stateProvider: ng.ui.IStateProvider,
$urlRouterProvider: ng.ui.IUrlRouterProvider,
RestangularProvider: restangular.IProvider, <-- here it fails
/// <reference path="restangular/restangular.d.ts" />
Running "tsng:dev" (tsng) task
Warning: Error: Can't resolve dependency for module function App.config with name restangular.IProvider Use --force to continue.
Other dependencies, such as ui-router, ui-bootstrap etc. are working fine. What could be the cause of this? Are there any incompatibilities known with grunt-tsng?
Alright, I figured it out.
When executing grunt-tsng, it scans all dependencies/modules etc. to automagically hook them into angular so you don't have to do it yourself. Here two simple rules apply: Dependencies to inject that are your own (e.g. where you have typescript inplementation code present, such as classes in your modules) can be defined simply with their name. E.g.:
constructor(service: MyModule.IMyService) {}
External dependencies, e.g. from angular itself are declared with the '$' notation. grunt-tsng will assume their dependencies itself are resolved at runtime and thus just hooks them up with their name:
constructor($routeProvider: ng.IRouteService) {}
But now services in restangular aren't named '$restangular', but just 'restangular'. This leads to the following:
This is retarded.