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Protogen Vs. Protoc Compiler Options

I have some .proto files used to compile classes from Java, C++ and C#. For Java and C++ I use the Protoc compiler and for the C# I use Protogen. The scripts for the Java/C++ class creation is


REM Make Java and C++

SET JAVA_OUT_DIR=%SRC_DIR%\..\taurus-messages-java\src\main\java
if not exist %JAVA_OUT_DIR% (
mkdir %JAVA_OUT_DIR%

SET CPP_OUT_DIR=%SRC_DIR%\..\taurus-messages-cpp
if not exist %CPP_OUT_DIR% (
mkdir %CPP_OUT_DIR%

protoc -I=%SRC_DIR% --java_out=%JAVA_OUT_DIR% --cpp_out=%CPP_OUT_DIR% %SRC_DIR%taurus-mux.proto
protoc -I=%SRC_DIR% --java_out=%JAVA_OUT_DIR% --cpp_out=%CPP_OUT_DIR% %SRC_DIR%taurus-backtest.proto

and for the C# class generation I have

SET SRC_DIR=%WORK_DIR%\..\..\..\Taurus\trunk\taurus-messages-proto\

if not exist %OUT_DIR% (
mkdir %OUT_DIR%

cd %SRC_DIR%

protogen -p:detectMissing -i:taurus-backtest.proto -o:%OUT_DIR%\TaurusBacktest.cs
protogen -p:detectMissing -i:taurus-mux.proto -o:%OUT_DIR%\TaurusMux.cs


both script reference the .proto files (of course ;]). I the above C# script I have added -p:detectMissing in order to generate properties that allow me to test whether or not a field is specified; the option creates *Specified for all fields where IsRequired = false.

My question is simple, I want to make sure the C#, C++ and Java classes remain aligned, but for C# I need to use -p:detectMissing option with Protogen, what is the equivalent option using Protoc?

Thanks for your time.


  • If I have understood the question correctly, then there isn't really an "equivalent" option - they are different tools with different intended uses. If your main driver is like-for-like usage you might want to look at protobuf-csharp-port, which retains a very similar usage while moving to C#. By contrast, protobuf-net makes no attempt to present the same API as google - it acts as an idiomatic .NET serializer that happens to talk in the protobuf format.