I am trying to use node-inspector with a simple script. I have some console logs in place so I can tell if it's running or not. I have tried 2 ways:
node-debug test.js
With this approach, the debugger opens in chrome, but does not break and runs without giving me a chance to enter break points.
In terminal window #1:
~ $ node-inspector
Node Inspector v0.9.2
Visit to start debugging.
Open debugger in chrome. In terminal window #2:
node --debug-brk test.js
The script seems to be waiting, but the debugger window I opened has nothing going on, So I refresh the page. As soon as I do, I see my console logs (not breaking).
I'm running OSX Yosemite (10.10.1), Node.js v0.12.0, NPM 2.5.1, and Node-inspector v0.9.2.
Any ideas why this is happening?
This is a known bug when running on Node v0.12 and io.js, see https://github.com/node-inspector/node-inspector/issues/534