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filling an upper triangular matrix (including diagonal) with a vector using RcppArmadillo

I'm learning the features of the Rcpp package and have no previous experience with C++. I have tried:

#include <RcppArmadillo.h>

// [[Rcpp::depends("RcppArmadillo")]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]

arma::mat VtoMatCpp(int n, 
                    arma::vec x) {

arma::mat V = arma::eye<arma::mat>(n,n) ;

V.elem(find(trimatu(V))) = x;



When I use in R sourceCpp('fun.cpp') and then try VtoMatCpp(2,1:3) get Error: Mat::elem(): size mismatch. It seems that trimatu function is not picking the indexes of the diagonal.


  • You are getting your error because your find call is actually finding the non-zero elements (in this case your diagonal elements). This results in only 2 elements for your VtoMatCpp(2,1:3) call where naturally 3 elements is too large to fit in it.

    This is somewhat similar to my question here where I actually want to exclude the diagonal elements. Unfortunately, the best I could come up with right now is to basically copy how R does it with upper.tri. Here is a working example with RcppArmadillo.

    src <- '
    using namespace arma;
    using namespace Rcpp;
    vec x = as<vec>(x_);
    int n = as<int>(n_);
    mat V = eye<mat>(n,n);
    // make empty matrices
    mat Z(n,n,fill::zeros);
    mat X(n,n,fill::zeros);
    // fill matrices with integers
    vec idx = linspace<mat>(1,n,n);
    X.each_col() += idx;
    Z.each_row() += trans(idx);
    // assign upper triangular elements
    // the >= allows inclusion of diagonal elements
    V.elem(find(Z>=X)) = x;
    fun <- cxxfunction(signature(n_ = "integer", x_ = "vector"), 
                       body=src, plugin="RcppArmadillo")
         [,1] [,2]
    [1,]    1    2
    [2,]    0    3

    which is exactly the same as base R.

    fun2 <- function(a,b){
    dm <- diag(2)
    dm[upper.tri(dm, diag=TRUE)] <- 1:3
         [,1] [,2]
    [1,]    1    2
    [2,]    0    3

    Running a quick benchmark does show that this implementation is faster than base R. Here I wrapped the base solution above as fun2.

    microbenchmark(fun(100, seq(5050)), fun2(100, seq(5050)))
    Unit: microseconds
                     expr     min      lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
      fun(100, seq(5050)) 117.823 154.106 241.2361 188.2575 242.0360 3392.611   100
     fun2(100, seq(5050)) 545.042 592.988 736.6958 622.7405 650.7475 4057.011   100