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Differences between Azure Block Blob and Page Blob?

As I recently started mingling around with Windows Azure, I've came up to a situation where, which one to go for between the Block Blob & Page Blob. I'm currently in progress of uploading some text, csv or dat files to a blob storage and then do a MapReduce program for it using my C# program. Yes I've gone through an article.

But couldn't get a clear idea from them. To cut short, Block Blob vs Page Blob. Any help would be appreciated.


  • The differences are very-well documented on msdn, here. TL;DR:

    • Block blobs are for your discrete storage objects like jpg's, log files, etc. that you'd typically view as a file in your local OS. Max. size 200GB 4.77TB. Regular (non-Premium) storage only.
    • Page blobs are for random read/write storage, such as VHD's (in fact, page blobs are what's used for Azure Virtual Machine disks). Max. size 8TB. Supported by both regular and Premium Storage.

    Note: Premium page blobs have specific sizings (unlike regular page blobs, which can be any size up to 8TB).

    • 32GB
    • 64GB
    • 128GB
    • 512GB
    • 1024GB
    • 2048GB
    • 4096GB

    Premium storage provides guaranteed IOPS and throughput, depending on the page blob size chosen (from 120 IOPS+25MB/s @ 32GB to 7500 IOPS+250MB/s @ 2048GB & 4096GB). Specific details around IOPS+throughput details are documented here.