I try to print a treetableview, and i am now landed by using lookup like bellow. The problem is although the lookup id refers to the hole of treetableview, but it prints just part of it. How can I split my treetableview in more nodes and print them over multiple pages? I have tried
printerJob.getJobSettings().setPageRanges(new PageRange(1,5));
but i did not work. In swing it happened automatically if treetable was bigger to fit on a page. I do not want to make cells smaller.
private void doPrint(){
PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.createPrinterJob();
PrinterJob printerJob = PrinterJob.createPrinterJob();
if(printerJob.showPrintDialog(main.getPrimaryStage().getOwner()) && printerJob.printPage(main.getPrimaryStage().getScene().lookup("#treeTable")))
You currently cannot do it.
There is a feature request for this. Feel free to Vote for it.
Though, if you do not want the TreeTableView
node, you can segregate the data and print it using some other node.