I am trying to do one to many domain mapping in grails.Here are the two classes :
class TNDetails {
String tn
String tnpk
static hasMany = [iccid: ICCID]
static mapping = {
table 'ni_tn'
version false
tnpk column : 'TN_PK'
tn column: 'TN'
id column: 'TN_PK',name: 'tnpk'
class ICCID {
String sim
String customer
static belongsTo = [tn: TNDetails]
static mapping = {
table 'ni_sim'
version false
sim column: 'ICCID'
customer column: 'CUSTOMER'
tn column: 'TN_FK'
id column: 'SIM_PK'
The corresponding query can be written as : select TN,ICCID from ni_tn,ni_sim where ni_tn.TN_PK = ni_sim.RELATED_TN and tn_pk=1290
.Now in my controller when i am fetch the details by passing tn_pk like this :
def index() {
def pk = params.tnPK
def details = TNDetails.findAll {
(tnpk == pk)
respond details
i get following result :
"class": "com.evolving.resource.tn.TNDetails",
"id": 1290,
"tnpk": "1290",
"iccid": [
"class": "com.evolving.resource.iccid.ICCID",
"id": 4209
"tn": "447400002035"
Now the problem here is it is not displaying the attributes sim
and customer
(from class ICCID).How do i display these two parameters also.What am i doing wrong here?
change your:
respond details
JSON.use("deep") {
respond details as JSON
The Deep Converters fully render the associations (nested domainclass instances) and also handle circular relations (documentation)