I have two domain classes one is Game:
class Game {
String name
String description
Double price
static hasMany = [reviews: Review]
and the other one is Review:
class Review {
String reviewText
Date reviewDate
static belongsTo = [game: Game]
Both are stripped down versions. I have two objects
r1 = new Review([reviewText: "A game review", reviewDate: new Date()])
g = new Game([name:"Angry Birds", description:"Parabolic physics like game", 20.00])
After above call is this statement legal?
Will it return a list of all reviews associated with Game? Actually I have an old Grails code which is fetching list of reviews by g.reviews like calls and on Grails 2.4.4, I am getting a null. Was it legal in older versions of Grails? What is the recommended way to fetch reviews associated with a particular game?
save with flush:true
if you want to immediately access the db.
then you can say: