My /blog
directory is just a bunch of static HTML files. That's good.
When I go to localhost/blog
it works fine - it renders the index.html for my middleman generated blog. Great.
But when I click on any of the posts, it gives me a routing error:
No route matches [GET] "/blog/2015/03/11/hello_world"
I am pretty sure the reason this is happening is because of one of these rules in my routes.rb
get '/:friendly_id', to: 'posts#show'
get '/rbt/:name', to: redirect {|path_params, _| "/#{path_params[:name].gsub(/^\d+\-/, '')}" }
get ':name', to: 'posts#show'
I need all of these routes, but I don't want an HTML request to hit my Rack middleware unnecessarily....or worse yet, do a DB query which this error seems to suggest is happening.
How do I confine all requests to /blog/
to just resolve to my public/blog/
Edit 1
I realize the above description may not be clear. My Rails App isn't a blog, and so the posts
you see referenced above, are not posts to the blog. They are posts of another kind, separately managed by the Rails app with a DB and all. I have since added a real /blog
which will just be a collection of HTML articles generated by MiddleMan that will sit in my Rails /public/blog
folder. The idea being that the HTML files in my /blog
directory, should not hit my Rack middleware at all.
You can force rack to serve certain folder as static and routes-ignoring by adding config.middleware.use Rack::Static, urls: ['/blog'], root: 'public'
to config/application.rb but imho it's better to setup a web server to intercept and serve /blog earlier than your app does.
And also in your case /blog/2015/03/11/hello_world
seems to be a directory name, if you add index.html
to the link it should work as you expect, without changing any configuration.