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Get ec2 instance metadata from instance id

Hi I am using boto to spin up ec2 spot instance. I am having trouble getting instance hostname from instance id.

there is easies way to do from instance itself "wget -q -O -"

but I am looking for way to get metadata using instance id

Any Help



  • The instance metadata is only available on the instance but you can get a lot of information about your instance using the EC2 API. So, if you have the instance ID you can do this:

    import boto.ec2
    conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region('us-east-1')  # or whatever region you use
    reservations = conn.get_all_instances(instance_ids='i-12345678')
    instance = reservations[0].instances[0]

    Would print the public DNS name (i.e. hostname) of the instance.

    Is that what you are looking for?