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Using header only libraries in biicode

Short: How do I use header only libraries with biicode?

Medium: When I try to build a block it includes example directories even though I try to set the dependencies explicitly in the biicode.conf of the published block.

Long: I'm trying to get the unity framework up and running, using biicode.

Unity is great as a unit testing framework for C because you do not need to compile any libraries. If you do your own mocks, you don't even have to run any scripts - there is just a single .c file to include in your compile and you are golden.

I've published the git repo to my biicode block paulbendixen/Unity and since there is no need for any compilation step beyond the c file that accompanies the header that should be included there is nothing else to do.

However, when I include the file, using #include "paulbendixen/Unity/src/unity.h" I get the error when doing bii cpp:build:

Code.c:2:28: fatal error: ProductionCode.h: No such file or directory
#include "ProductionCode.h"

This is in the examples folder and should therefore not be compiled, when I just want to use the unit testing part. Changing the [dependencies] to include unity.h = unity.c unity_internals.h hasn't helped either.

I'm pretty sure the problem should be resolved in the Unity/biicode.conf, but I haven't been able to find a thorough description of this file anywhere.

The simplicity of the Unity library should make it ideal for a build system such as bii, but it seems quite complex to set up.

If it helps, I've used the simple layout and the -r [github for throwtheswitch] option


  • It is not that simple. Unity uses Rakefiles to build and run the tests, and they have lots of configuration. What can be done for quickly upload it to biicode is just to ignore the tests and publish just the files. This can be done writing a ignore.bii file with the contents:


    Wrt to the biicode.conf, the only configuration necessary are the include paths:


    You can check that the manual definition of dependencies is not necessary, if you run $ bii deps --files *unity.h

    With these changes, it is possible to publish it. Nothing to build.

    Then, to use it in other projects, I have been able to build simple tests:

    #include "unity.h"
    void testTrue(void){
    int main() {

    Just adding the following to the biicode.conf of the new project:

        diego/unityfork: 0
        unity.h: diego/unityfork/src

    It would probably be much easier to make biicode run and build the tests without ignoring them if it used the more typical CMake configuration instead of Rakefiles