The filter "liveSearchEmployee()" does not trigger on the parent scope of the controller. It appears to be being ignored.
<input style="width:250px" type="text" ng-model="$$value$$" ng-change="changeEmployee($$value$$)" typeahead="(items.lastname + ', ' + items.firstname) for items in liveSearchEmployee($$value$$) " typeahead-on-select="selectedPatientConsult($item)" typeahead-min-length="3" ng-hide="{{form.schema.readOnlyMode}}" name="{{form.key}}" id="{{form.key}}" title="{{form.title}}" ng-required="form.required" />
With "parent scope of the controller" I guess you mean its on the scope outside of the form?
The directive sf-schema
has an isolated scope so nothing outside is inherited.
Try putting what you need onto the form definition object instead for your field type.
<input style="width:250px" type="text" ng-model="$$value$$"
typeahead="(items.lastname + ', ' + items.firstname) for items in form.liveSearchEmployee($$value$$) "
name="{{form.key}}" id="{{form.key}}"
title="{{form.title}}" ng-required="form.required" />
Or even better, wrap it in a directive that exports these functions.