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ASP.NET MVC 2 and authentication using WIF (Windows Identity Foundation)

Are there any decent examples of the following available:

Looking through the WIF SDK, there are examples of using WIF in conjunction with ASP.NET using the WSFederationAuthenticationModule (FAM) to redirect to an ASP.NET site thin skin on top of a Security Token Service (STS) that user uses to authenticate (via supplying a username and password).

If I understand WIF and claims-based access correctly, I would like my application to provide its own login screen where users provide their username and password and let this delegate to an STS for authentication, sending the login details to an endpoint via a security standard (WS-*), and expecting a SAML token to be returned. Ideally, the SessionAuthenticationModule would work as per the examples using FAM in conjunction with SessionAuthenticationModule i.e. be responsible for reconstructing the IClaimsPrincipal from the session security chunked cookie and redirecting to my application login page when the security session expires.

Is what I describe possible using FAM and SessionAuthenticationModule with appropriate web.config settings, or do I need to think about writing a HttpModule myself to handle this? Alternatively, is redirecting to a thin web site STS where users log in the de facto approach in a passive requestor scenario?


  • An example of WIF + MVC is available in this chapter of the "Claims Identity Guide":

    I do suggest reading the first couple chapters to understand all underlying principles. This blog post covers the specifics of MVC + WIF:


    Controlling the login experience is perfectly fine. You should just deploy your own STS (in your domain, with your look & feel, etc). Your apps would simply rely on it for AuthN (that's why a app is usually called a "relying party").

    The advantage of the architecture is that authN is delegated to 1 component (the STS) and not spread out throughout many apps. But the other (huge) advantage is that you can enable more sophisticated scenarios very easily. For example you can now federate with other organization's identity providers.

    Hope it helps Eugenio


    The token (containing the claims) can be optionally encrypted (otherwise they will be in clear text). That's why SSL is always recommended for interactions between the browser and the STS.

    Notice that even though they are in clear text, tampering is not possible because the token is digitally signed.