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Gulp vinyl-ftp newer and different size files does not upload

vinyl-ftp has this feature to upload new and different size files conn.differentSize( remoteFolder[, options] )

I am trying to test that only newer files would upload and so far nothing is happening, files just are not uploading. Here my configuration.

gulp.task( 'deploy', function() {

var conn = ftp.create( {
    host:     hostremote,
    user:     userremote,
    password: passremote,
    parallel: 10,
} );

var globs = [


// using base = '.' will transfer everything to /public_html correctly 
// turn off buffering in gulp.src for best performance 

return gulp.src( globs, { base: '.', buffer: false } )
    .pipe( conn.newerOrDifferentSize( '/test2' ) )
      .pipe( conn.dest('/test') );} );

Any thoughts ?


  • As Heikki points out, the remote paths must be the same; otherwise newerOrDifferentSize will compare images/foo.png with test2/images/foo.png, and then definitely upload to test/images/foo.png.

    If that does not fix it, would you mind opening an issue at with your full log, and possibly your FTP server software? This might be a bug then.