In my gae application, a user can do an action (buy something). I need that information stored persistently and available imediately on all requests from all sessions of this user on multiple devices/browsers. I'm using webapp2_extras sessions. The way I'm thinking of doing this is either:
1) adding the action_happened field to the User model and make it available in the session by adding it to the list in webapp2_extras.auth['user_attributes'] config. But this doesn't work unless the user is logged out on all sessions.
or 2) create a memcache entry (backed by the datastore) for each user like user_id_action_happened and check if it is true or false on each request. This is my preffered method.
Is there any other way to do this?
I think storing in database and doing a query on each request is the most natural option.
Don't know about your full requirements and specifications, but for keeping the sessions synchronized I think a solution like firebase makes a lot of sense, though it might be overkill in your case.