I'm working on a simple router for php practice, it's already evolved quite a bit more but I'm posting the more simplistic version.
My router class check a given url vs the current server path and returns content if they match. This works fine but the problem is that the router runs 3 times because I'm calling the router get() method 3 times in my routes.php file.
If I for example want to return a 404 error when the route does not match it will return it 3 times. 1 time for each route not found. What is the best way to fix this?
As always your help is much appreciated.
Router class:
class Router {
public $currentRoute = '/';
public function __construct()
public function getCurrentRoute()
if(isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
$this->currentRoute = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
public function get($route, $content)
if($route == $this->currentRoute) {
echo $content();
Routes file:
$router->get('/', function()
return 'Index page';
$router->get('movies', function()
return Cinematix\View::make('movies');
$router->get('users', function()
return 'The users collection page';
First be warned that your approach is not recommended. Looking up the classic MVC programming pattern is a good way to start.
Read on if you really want to do it the way you started using anonymous callbacks.
Router class:
class Router {
public $currentRoute = '/';
private $routes;
public function __construct($routes)
$this->routes = $routes;
public function getCurrentRoute()
if(isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
$this->currentRoute = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
public function route()
$route = $this->currentRoute;
if (!isset($this->routes[$route])) {
$route = '/404';
if (is_callable($this->routes[$route]))
echo $this->routes[$route]();
routes file:
$routes = array(
'/' => function()
return 'Index page';
'/movies' => function()
return 'Movies';
'/users' => function()
return 'The users collection page';
'/404' => function()
return '404';
$router = new Router($routes);